Myth: The Guarumo trees are dangerous trees because they grow tall and angularly.
No lot is too small for the Guarumo tree (Cecropia peltata L.). She is the most amiable, resourceful, and dependable tree family (Cecropiaceae) we have in our jungle home and business garden. First, most wildlife eat or use her: the monkeys, orlapengula birds, sloths, tucans, birds of prey, and ants are consistently found in these trees. Secondly, she makes herself of interlocking fibrous segments which allow her to grow tall and angularly, yet, securely. Thirdly, she’s so amiable that she grows in harmony with existing trees; that’s why she is always at an angle. Fourthly, the Guarumo trees are medicinal (we same humans use the leaves medicinally), with large, attractive palmate leaves.
Create your own Carbon Source.
There is no reason to burn, as everything brown and dry in your garden (for example, dry leaves, limbs, pods, bark, husks, clippings, etc.) serves a purpose. It is your available carbon source that should be packed up around your cherished trees and plants. When we burn these precious jungle by-products, we deplete our carbon reserves that unlock the secrets of our pores clay soil. Mother Nature depends on the top-coat of carbon source to create lush hummus to work her jungle magic.
World Change starts in our individual hearts. Be Fearless, Choose Love.
Myth: You don’t have to cut it all down and cover it with gravel to protect yourself.
We all have the capacity to create kinship and safety with all life through our magnetic thoughts, words and actions. I recommend consciously creating the domain in your home and business jungle garden as “I won’t trouble you if you don’t trouble me,” with all your jungle flora and fauna.
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